Saturday, March 7, 2015


Many of us know this, so this is just a reminder that God wants us to increase our faith, and Satan wants us to decrease our faith, it sounds simple, but It' really a deep subject.  You see, Satan knows that if you can faith it, everything's going to be okay because God's got you.  You see, faith is having an unwavering confidence in God. God wants to know can you trust him even when you don't like what he's doing. A lot of times God does things I don't like, but if I want the victory, I need to trust that he's got the situation in control. 
God wants to know, can you trust him even when you've prayed, prayed, and prayed, and nothing happened.  There are something's that happens in our lives that seems unfair, ask yourself, can I still faith it, can I still trust in God to come to my rescue?  Hebrew 11:6 says, "Without faith, it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." How do you faith it?  You've got to put your belief in God to work. I'm reminded of the song that said, “If you make one step he'll make two, there's isn't no limit what God can do, he said if you go, don't worry about yourself, all you have to do is make a step. I'm going to walk on out in Jesus name, I've been false accused and I'm not ashamed."   God wants to know, will you be faithful to him with the little you have?  You may say, I can't do this or do that because of this or that, or will you say, I know I don't have it like this person or that person, but with the help of the Lord, I'm going to do my best?  That's what God wants to hear.  I believe that when we began to trust and believe in God, he'll not only help us pay the bills, he'll heal us from sickness, put food on the table, clothes on our backs and shoes on our feet!  I remember the time when I first gave my life to God. I didn't have hardly any dresses or skirts to wear to church, but I didn't let that stop me from serving the Lord, and I trusted God more back then. One night I went to church and low and behold, a sister in the church had brought me two brand new dresses to wear! You see, God put that on her heart to do that for me! I've been saved a long time, and I have hundreds of faith testimony's I can share.  I'm reminded of the scripture that says, “When the Son of Man return, will he find faith on the earth?  Believe it or not, most of us have lost our faith and trust in God. Now a day, we'll work the whole week before we get paid, but we trust our bosses to pay us on pay day, but we don't have that much faith in our heavenly father.  Wouldn't you agree that something is definitely wrong with that picture?  In my closing, I dare any of you who's reading this post to put your faith on anything that you think is too hard for you to get the victory over, and watch God move on your

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