Tuesday, March 10, 2015


GENESIS 1:1-31

In the beginning, God loved his creations, but he was lonely.  He wanted a friend to share his new world, someone who would be like him. After careful consideration, he formed a man from the dust of the earth and called his name Adam unlike any of God's other choices. 
Knowing that Adam would be lonely, he created a woman and named here Eve and not Steve to be his companion. Adam and Eve lived together in a beautiful garden called Eden. Often God would visit them in this garden, and he enjoyed talking to them.  He blessed Adam and Eve with children, so children are an inheritance from God, and God expect parents to be good head ships over their children. Adam and Eve became the first parents of the earth.  Soon, the world was filled with people, and God wanted everyone to be happy and live forever in his perfect world.  The one's he loved so dearly, turned their backs on what was right, but that didn't stop him from loving them.  So, he  came up with a plan of salvation to give everyone an opportunity to be redeemed and come back to him. He loved us so much that he sacrificed his one and only sons life, so that we would have a right to the tree of life.  God is still waiting and longing for us to come back to him. Would you come back to the Lord right where you are?  You don't need to be in a building to come back to him, because  He'll accept you right where you are.  You can start by repeating the sinner's prayer.  Say, " Lord Jesus, I'm  a sinner, and I repent of every wrong thing I've ever done against you. I ask you to forgive me and come into my life and make me over again.  Lord, I don't want to go to hell, save my soul from hell, fill me with your holy power from on high, and I thank you and accept you as my Lord as savior."  Once you repeat this prayer, you are now a born again Christian, and heaven rejoices over one soul. Praise the Lord my brother or sister in Christ. You have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, and you are accepted into his kingdom. 


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