Saturday, March 7, 2015


1. Meditate on things that are true.
 2. Meditate on things that are lovely.
3. Meditate on things that are noble.
4. Meditate on things that are just.
5. Meditate on things that are virtuous.
6.Meditate on things that are pure.
7. Meditate on things that are praise worthy,
8) Meditate on things that are of good report. 
Do you agree that when we fill our daily lives with meditation and prayer, there will be no room for fear?
There's so much evil works going on in the world today that it causes some of us to develop a great amount of fear in our hearts and minds, but I want to remind you that fear is of the devil, and father God of heaven, wants to wipe every ounce of fear from your minds, hearts, and spirits. God wants us to spend as much time as we can  meditating on these eight things that I've written out.

 I've also included this prayer to pray every chance you get.
Say, "Lord, you are my light and my salvation whom shall I fear or what shall I be afraid of? Even though an army may surround me and go to war against me, my heart will not fear. (Psalm 27:1-3) I will be strong and of good courage. For I know that you're with me wherever I go. (Joshua 1:9) Free me oh Lord from all ungodly fear. For I know that fear is never of you. Lord, Guard my heart and mind from the spirit of fear.  Whatever I am afraid of today, take this fear and replace it with perfect love.  Thank you Lord that the fear of the Lord leads to life, and he who has it will abide in satisfaction, and he will not be consumed by evil(Proverbs 19:23)Help me to grow in the fear and reverence of you, so that I may please you and escape the plans of evil for my life.  Thank you that those who fear you will never lack any good thing Amen." I hope the word of God is a blessing unto you and your family.

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